Monday, October 21, 2013

The Shocking Truth About HGH Supplements

By Thor Speirs

You must have read a lot concerning human growth hormone (HGH) supplements in a variety of places. HGH pills, HGH capsules or HGH sprays, all seem to give the same result, i.e. to aid you regain or boost your HGH levels.

But the truth is; do they actually work or are they scams? Does each one of these HGH supplements actually accomplish all of its claims? Also, if you consume them, do they cause any harmful side effects?

Recent researches have all revealed that the amount of human growth hormones produced by the pituitary gland which is located at the base of the brain gradually begins to reduce as we grow older. It is this decline in human growth hormones that triggers the aging process and makes the symptoms of old age more noticeable. Even though we would all die someday, it is still possible for you to slow down the aging process and delay the symptoms of aging from becoming noticeable. The way to do is by increasing your human growth hormones levels. And you can do this either by: artificial HGH injections or by taking HGH supplements (also referred to as HGH releasers) regularly.

The most effective way to increase your human growth hormones levels is by stimulating your pituitary glands to produce more human growth hormones while you are asleep.

Likewise, nasal or oral HGH sprays have their respective restrictions. For instance, HGH molecule is too large to move through even the lean lining of the nasal cavity of your nose. Hence, there is no prove to show that HGH sprays immersed through the nose is adequate enough to raise the blood levels of the HGH inside your body.

On the other hand, a supplement that merely has some particular natural elements that really arouse your HGH mill, which is the hypophysis of your body, to generate more HGH is taken to be potent, safer and economical.

It is in your best interest that you first get adequate information about the best HGH supplements before you make your choice. This is because HGH releasers are classified as dietary supplements so they do not have strict FDA regulations that DRUGS have.

Credibility: An HGH releasing supplement (like HGH Advanced) that is proved to be clinically effectual and has been fruitfully utilized by millions of user certainly have more weightage than the ones merely holding false claims.

There are some things that you need to check before you decide to order any HGH supplements. When ordering any supplements, you need to be look out for the ingredients that they are made of. This is a must! Any company that refuses to display their ingredients list is a fake.

You need to be aware of the ingredients so you can know whether to avoid such products or not. If you have any medical condition, you need to know what is in the HGH supplements so that you can inform your doctor if it is safe for you to use!

Then, if the ingredient list is available, you should make sure that it does not contain artificial human growth hormones. Although your stomach would digest it before it gets to your blood stream, you still should not use any HGH releasers that contains artificial human growth hormones. The way HGH supplements works is that they stimulate your pituitary glands to produce more of its own human growth hormones; they do not introduce artificial HGH into your body!

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