Friday, March 7, 2014

Pilates Training For Exercise And Well-Being

By James Spann

If you are looking for an exercise program that focuses on the body, mind and spirit, pilates training may be just for you. It focuses on strengthening the central core of the body which is the abdomen and lower back area which work outwards, extending toward the extremities. Women with post-pregnancy bodies, dancers, mid and later life generations, individuals with no room for equipment, and athletes find these exercise routines extremely helpful in helping them reach higher levels of flexibility and fitness.

There is much history to this form of exercise. German-born Joseph Pilates developed this program to assist and provide rehabilitation to soldiers returning home and prisoners of war. Many dancers sought out his regimen to help them achieve grace, stamina and more strength.

Putting this regime in place every day will help your body become longer and leaner. You will become more flexible and less tired and winded after every workout. This low-impact activity will even assist in improving posture and assisting with chronic back pain.

Individuals who are more advanced in years or have not been involved with any type of exercise program in a very long time can change or lessen the severity of the routines until they have built their strength up. As they grow more confident in their increasing abilities, they can add more difficult moves to their daily sessions. They can even combine them with other forms of activity such as running, walking or lifting weights.

Most of the moves are done on the floor, usually on a mat or other soft surface. There are some exercises that can be done on specific machines which were designed by the creator of this exercise regime himself but they are expensive and cumbersome to own.

Check with local exercise studios and workout facilities to determine if they offer these classes. Choose the one that fits your needs and your time limitations the best. If no classes are available or you want to try these moves in the privacy of your own home, DVDs are available for rent or purchase at sporting goods outlets and book stores. If you want to try the programs with a friend, by all means include her to make your time exercising more enjoyable and interesting.

Begin adding these exercises to your daily routines for increased strength and stamina. You will also learn how to control your breathing and increase balance and coordination through this program. Soon you will find yourself feeling much more in shape and able to do tasks and achieve physical goals that you may not have been able to accomplish before. You will become slimmer and leaner as you progress with this regimen.

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