Sunday, October 26, 2014

Finding Organic Non GMO Supplements

By Dominique Martin

Not all vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional aids are created equal. Especially now that genetically modified substances are in the marketplace, people who care about their health need to proceed with caution. Fortunately, there are many organic non GMO supplements available from top manufacturing companies. Consumers only have to check labels or call customer service to get this assurance.

Foods and other products that are organically certified promise to contain no artificial ingredients. They cannot legally have genetically modified ingredients. The organic label therefore is sufficient to assure consumers that they are not buying GMOs. Governments and independent organizations issue these certifications for consumer information and protection.

There is a lot of mainstream support for introducing unnatural and unproven substances into the food supply and the natural health industry, but so far the organic standards have not been lowered. It's important for consumers who wish to avoid anything not natural to express their opinions to elected and appointed officials who influence these matters. Raising public awareness on the lack of safety testing for genetic modification is important, too.

Companies that do not include GMOs in their products will usually display this information on their label. A lack of this assurance will not necessarily mean that altered ingredients are used, but it should be a sign that further questions should be asked before purchasing such products. Customer service reps will be able to answer this question; look for toll-free telephone numbers on product labels. Consumers should not assume all products are safe.

Supplements are nutritional substances which can help people achieve a balanced diet. The term means vitamins to many people, but it also covers minerals, amino acids, herbs, fatty acids, fiber, and hormonal products. A supplement is nutritional rather than medicinal, although many of them do have therapeutic value. They are in a different category than pharmaceutical drugs.

It's important to realize that many products in the industry today do contain genetically modified ingredients. The safest way to avoid them is to buy organic. Certification also assures the consumer that no artificial colors, preservatives, or flavors have been used, and that ingredients are grown without chemicals. Most companies who care enough to go organic produce high-quality, well-researched products.

Quality matters. Some formulas have been found to contain only traces of the nutrients they promise to deliver. Others use substances which may be poorly utilized by the system, making them a waste of money if not actually harmful. Some forms of iron, for example, may do little for anemia and can even accumulate to toxic levels in the body. Other, more reputable companies have pioneered research in health and have a long record of safety and integrity.

Consumers may feel bewildered by the sheer number of products available and the difficulty of knowing exactly which to choose. Testimonials posted on websites touting particular products may really be advertising rather than true reviews. The organic and GMO-free seals are assurances of purity and quality.

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