Thursday, August 4, 2016

How To Deal With Children Of Parents With Mental Illness Disorders

By Rebecca Kelly

Dealing with a mental disorder can take a great deal of strain on the family. This can especially be stressful for the family. Children of parents with mental illness can often grow up with a lot that they have to deal with, and this is why they should have the support that they need. However, it is not always easy to find.

It can be difficult for a child to take responsibility for some of these problems on their own. They often have to play the role of the parent. Many parents have serious problems where they are not able to cope. Depression, for example can cause people to basically sleep all day and it makes children feel as if they are neglected and abandoned.

The spouse of the person with this sort of illness may be at work or have a lifestyle which has become stressful. They often don't know how to cope in a situation like this. They are not responsible themselves and will simply head off to the pub with a couple of friends in order to get away from it all.

Children start to withdraw from other family members because of the situation. They usually don't have friends and become isolated. This can cause other disorders and issues to develop in their adult lives. Some of these memories will be repressed until much later in their life. However, it is something that they have to deal with.

They may not get a lot of support from the other parent, who can also be suffering. There are spouses who don't take responsibility for the situation. They may find that it is better to allow someone who is depressed to sleep all day. However, this does not help a child feel as if they are loved. Someone with this sort of problem needs to seek counseling.

Family therapy is a good option because everyone will be able to find out more about the mental illness and how they can deal with it. The other parent should learn to spend more time with the child. One should also be able to find someone to help take care of the parent who is suffering from the mental disorder so that the child is not struggling as much.

There are a few simple things that one can do in order for the child to feel more settled in their environment. A child feels comfortable when there is routine in the home. This is something that the family can provide with the help of a counselor that is more practical in the way in which they work with the family.

Feeling of low self esteem will usually persist in a case like this. This can continue in life and as a child grows up they may develop social anxiety disorder. They may not enjoy being around people, because they have never been loved early on in life. They need to feel as if they are worthy because low self esteem will be a big part of the problem here.

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