Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Many Tend To Use Dental Appliances For Sleep Apnea

By Krystal Branch

Sleep apnea is a common disorder which most people don't even know they have. Most of you do realize that you snore or have a partner who snores. Snoring can often be a sign that one has this problem. Luckily there are various dental appliances for sleep apnea.

There are many symptoms which might trigger the need to check with a sleep clinic. You might be snoring very loudly every night, which might be keeping you and your partner awake. This may lead to headaches in the morning and sheer fatigue during the day. Of course, deprivation is also the main cause for mood swings and irritability.

It might be worth your while to seek treatment through a specialized clinic. They will keep a record of your breathing and snoring during your resting times and formulate a diagnosis based on the results. If you have apnea then your breathing will stop intermittently during your rest many times a night. This is not healthy and needs to be treated.

A dental technician will advise you to try an oral type of mouth guard. It is an oral device which can easily be inserted every night before sleeping. There are options to buy these appliances without consulting a dental technician. These are guards which need to be heated to make them pliable. You then bite into them so that your teeth create a mold of your bite. These are fairly inexpensive but are not as effective as a custom made version.

Also try to lose weight, if that is a problem and most definitely stop smoking. The next medical solution would be to use a special oral appliance which has been designed to work with the tongue or lower jaw position. The mandible repositioning device pushes the lower jaw forward and slightly downwards, whereas the tongue repositioning device keeps the tongue in place. Both maximize the amount of air that can flow freely through your air passages.

There are many types available and the best one for you is the most comfortable one. There are the cheaper ones available, which you boil in hot water and then bite into it, thereby creating an impression in the plastic where your teeth fit. These are not as effective as the dental appliances which are designed by dentists especially for this sort of medicine.

All of the mouth guards may look very different, but that is because each one is molded uniquely for its owner. A gentler case of this issue can definitely be treated with this type of management; however, breathing pressure devices such as a type of nose clip or surgery may also be suggested. This depends on the severity of the case.

The downfalls could be, tooth and jaw pain, and changes to your bite. Even so, the benefits seem to definitely outweigh the disadvantages. These dental appliances for sleep apnea could literally change your life as well as your partners. They might even save your life! Either way they are well worth the cost and effort.

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